Product Categories

  • Electric Scooter wisking1023 imageClick the pic to read more info
    Size: mini size
    Function: Mini size ,light weight ,comfortable electric power wheelchair. Aluminum rims with 12 inch air tire. 5 seconds foldable,battery can move home for charging. Seat and backrest cushion can be easily remove for cleaning.
  • Electric Scooter wisking1023-16 imageClick the pic to read more info
    Size: mini size
    Function: Mini size ,light weight ,comfortable electric power wheelchair 5 seconds disassembly,battery can move home for charging. Total weight is 20kg without the battery. Seat and backrest cushion can be easily remove for cleaning. Controllers can be interchanged with right and left side.
  • Electric Scooter wisking1023-22 imageClick the pic to read more info
    Size: middle size
    Function: Long range of around 40KM for the middle wheelchair. Seat and backrest cushion can be easily remove for cleaning. Controllers can be interchanged with right and left side. Easy access tiller-mounted charger port. Modern design Led lights for all lights.
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